Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dodgers get a needed bat

Today the Dodgers traded for a future hall of fame player in Manny Ramirez. All they had to do is trade future stud Andy LaRoche. I assume we'll have Dewitt play 3rd next year so hopefully he will do well.

My take on the trade. If we make the playoffs then the trade is good. If not then it sucks.


Heather said...

Sooooo....what's your opinion, is Manny just a rental for the Dodgers? Do they have the cash to retain him after he becomes a free agent at the end of this year? That was the deal right?

Damon said...

"I love it," Ramirez said after one game with the Dodgers. "I feel at home already. Put the word on me -- I want to stay here. The weather is nice, the stadium is beautiful."

They do have the money it's weather or not they want to pay him